This blog’s advice comes in the form of some SEO work.
We’re specifically talking about optimizing your blog posts, and one easy way to do that is through writing the proper title and meta tags.
Yes, we mean this:
If you have ever posted a blog on WordPress, odds are that you’ve seen the option to write within these two fields.
Although it’s easy to overlook these fields or opt for the “auto-fill” option that pulls text directly from your content, we recommend creating custom content for each field.
When you create a title and meta description, this is where it’ll show up:
Notice how the title is formatted? And more importantly, notice how the meta description below is truncated?
Believe it or not, that can actually affect your SEO results. When people see your search results, you want them to be able to read the meta description and get a general idea of what the page will be about.
If you don’t write one or write a title or meta that’s too long, it can actually be truncated by Google, which can lead to strange meta descriptions like what you see above.
So, how can you write a strong title and meta?
Think about your character count.
For titles, you shouldn’t go over 60 characters (including the name of your business).
As for your meta description, it should be no longer than 155 characters and no shorter than 145 characters.
Additionally, focus on the most pertinent information regarding your webpage. What do you need to share with potential visitors that will give them an idea of the page while encouraging them to click into it?
While this may not make a big impact on your SEO results, this has still become standard practice within the SEO community, so you’ll only hurt yourself if you don’t do it.