Let's work together

Let’s cut the chase - the goal of this page is to give you a high-level sense of what we’re capable of. That being said, what’s outlined below is really just the tip of the iceberg.

However, it should give you a sense of what role we play with organizations.

The simplest way to describe what we do is we conduct market research and provide fractional marketing leadership to our customers.

Christina standing at front of a room during a workshop with sticky notes behind her

And, more importantly, at the end of the day, our clients hire us to solve problems.

If you have a marketing challenge you need help navigating, let’s hop on a call and see if we can help - whether that be through working with us or simply pointing you in the right direction based on your unique situation.

Ways to Work With Us

Marketing Strategy

Design thinking
  • Comprehensive market research
  • Series of workshops with leadership (half day or 1 hour)
  • Customer Personas development / refinement
  • Messaging and Positioning
    • Elevator Pitch/taglines / Unique value prop
  • High-level marketing strategy focus for the next year
  • Recommendation on project timelines and investments

E-Commerce & SMS Optimization

  • Test, improve, and optimize your email and SMS marketing efforts
  • Formulate specific flows for each of your customer segments to drive ROI through automation and personalization
  • Create an email & sms strategy to increase click through rate, conversion rate, and average spend per customer in key flows
  • Support with campaigns and content, when relevant
  • Octane AI customer quiz setup to drive further content personalization

Marketing analytics

Fractional Marketing Leadership

Design thinking workshop
  • Guide the implementation of your research-informed marketing strategy with monthly or quarterly check-ins
  • When implementation support is needed, can be put on retainer to tackle highest priority projects/needs
  • Serve as an extension of your marketing team able to build capacity when needed
